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Our Role and Vision

Our Principal Role

The principal role of UGANAS is to accredit and exercise oversight over organizations, both private and public, that carry out conformity assessment activities. These organizations include; testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, medical laboratories, certification bodies, and inspection and verification bodies.


  • Assess and accredit conformity assessment bodies.
  • Promote accreditation in Uganda.
  • Promote mutual recognition of the competence of accredited bodies and equivalence of accreditation schemes.
  • Establish and nurture relations and cooperation with regional and international accreditation bodies, persons, associations and organizations that the Service may consider necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of this Act.
  • Participate in the formulation and monitoring of national, regional and international accreditation guidelines and standards.
  • Create public awareness on accreditation, collect and disseminate information on accreditation and conformity assessment matters through advocacy programmes, the publication of reports, pamphlets, books, journals or any other publications.
  • Provide training, and other related services and promote research on accreditation and conformity assessment matters.

To be an internationally recognized accreditation system that enhances national development

To run a sustainable and internationally recognized accreditation system that will facilitate industry, trade and good life through provision of internationally recognised conformity assessment services.

Integrity;- “ where a system is performing its intended functions with use of a moral code of practice, transparently and without pressure from internal or external environment” Impartiality, “where decisions are based on objective criteria or procedure , without bias and prejudice to the benefit of one over another for improper reasons” Professionalism; the conduct, aims or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person who has specialized knowledge.” (iv) Accountability “takes full responsibility for its activities and can demonstrate that they are effective, efficient and in conformity with UGANAS procedures and ISO 17011:2017 requirements. (v) “Dedication and excellence”- timely delivery of service with trained human resource with trust and confidence”