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About Uganda National Accreditation Services (UGANAS)

Accreditation is a third party attestation related to a conformity assessment body (CAB) conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks.

The Uganda National Accreditation Service (UGANAS) operates under the Accreditation Services Act No.20 of 2021  and also complies with Public Finanance Management Act 2015 with the responsibility to provide accreditation activities and other activities as mandated under this Act.

UGANAS is the Ugandan national accreditation body that provides a variety of accreditation services to Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) in accordance with standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). UGANAS will be an associate member of the African Accreditation Cooperation (AFRAC).

UGANAS is committed to providing accreditation services to its clients without discrimination at the highest level of integrity, transparency, impartiality, independence, effectiveness and efficiency. While responding to the changing needs of clients, other stakeholders and the business environment, UGANAS is committed to providing accreditation services in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011, other relevant international standards and principles. For the purpose of providing accreditation services to satisfy the national need and compliance to harmonized international requirements, UGANAS will continuously corporate with international stakeholders, government parties and related market actors as an indispensable principle. UGANAS will actively and effectively participate in the work of international bodies in order to enhance international recognition UGANAS shall provide an environment for staff members and assessors to upgrade their competencies continually to enable them to contribute in the activities of UGANAS at the highest level of professionalism