The Ministry of Trade receives support for Uganda Accreditation Services from Development Partners.


The Ministry is in the process of implementing the National Accreditation Services. The key activities to implement the National accreditation systems include;

i. Development of the management system documentation to operationalize provision of accreditation of conformity assessment system.

ii. Development, registration and gazette of the Uganda National Accreditation Services (UGANAS) Logo.

iii. Development and registration of the UGANAS website.

iv. Awareness creation on accreditation to the public about the importance and benefits of accreditation in supporting market access, technology adaptation, efficiency in manufacturing process, research and innovation.

Hon. David Bahati, the State minister for Industry at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives recieves Accreditation support from Development partners for UGANAS



The Ministry has received the following support from Development Partners as below;


  • Development of some documentations of accreditation namely, realignment of the draft Accreditation Quality Manual with the revised international standards ISO/IEC 17011.
  • Development, registration and gazette of UGANAS logo.
  • Design, development and registration of the UGANAS website.
  • 3 Computers, a printer, scanner and photo copier unit, 3 office desk and filing cabin boards.
  • The items  were handed over to the Ministry on the 23rd August, 2022 by a delegation headed by the Chief of Party of Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC).

USAID – Feed the Future project Support for UGANAS include;

  • Support to organize awareness to key stakeholders on need of accreditation of conformity assessment services.
  • Support to procure and hire consultancy to develop regulations to implement the Accreditation Act 2021 and
  • Provide technical assistance to review and update Quality Management Systems documentation.
  • Support to conduct stakeholder awareness workshops to promote accreditation services in the four regions of the country.

Click to read: Accreditation Services Act